Pre-trial detention is likely to be solitary confinement which is an extreme form of torture that leaves no visible scars. We realise that plea-bargaining is the modus operandi of this Empire's injustice system. This is why we resisted their extradition.
- It could be anyone next, this is a stark warning for all activist communities. If all it boils down to is writing something on a website that is hosted on a US server, then we are pretty much all for the chop if they click their fingers.
- These kinds of campaign are long and require endurance. Watch how the tyrant uses time.
- The Home Office communications strategy seems to have worked, to connect all of the 5 detainees with the image of Abu Hamza the Muslim bogeyman, their inside man.
- The judge giving the verdict did not even try to pronounce the name of Talha Ahsan correctly, the young Asperger's suffering poet that he was about to throw to the wolves. He said 'Ashan' on more than one occasion.
- Institutional racism is certainly there, but what undergirds it is institutional epistemicide. Nothing we feel say or do counts as valid information to these pirates.
- Anjem Choudhury is auditioning for Abu Hamza's spot. He showed up last week at the verdict to pose for cameras, complete with battery begums and hairy's..
- These campaigns must join hands with the Irish community who know it all so well and the Black community which is suffering from so many killings in police custody. We must embody a Decolonial We.
- Make sure you have seen the Extradition documentary, show it to families and friends. [please overlook the PRESSTV tag]
- Arts Against Extraditions have a postcard callout. Its easy to submit something on A5 and they will really make the Exhibition special.
- Encourage your Islamic Society, community organisation or pimp to host film screenings, panel discussions et on Extradition. Suggest replacing depoliticizing Charity Weeks with Extradition week.
- Zakat is due to free prisoners of war. Talha, Babar and others are victims of this phoney War on Terror.
- Pay attention to the appallingness of the press coverage and feed comments and feedback into the echo chamber with grace and high frequency.
- Wear a Free Talha badge. This is good for the shy because it can spark a normally unknowable interaction with a random human being.
- Write to your MP asking them to hound the Foreign Minister William Hague about the people detained.