
Glad Tidings

Its been ages since I've had the luck to witness an Islamic event of consequence.

Then like buses, two come along in a row. Thankyou Allah.

It is quite tricky to create the space where proceedings aren't framed by hegemonic agendas and where the conversation is indeed internal (on our terms) and inclusive.

The reasons why such events are rare seem to include:

The action of gatekeepers, who control the access of the UK Muslims to Scholars and are more than a little insecure about the sustainability of their intermediariness. Endowed with the advantage of simply being around before such gatekeepers are perhaps best bypassed with nuronic nerves, social technique and Ummahtic mojo. In successfully puling of a bypass manoeuvre, the believer's can taste the fruit and recognise its flavour.

Because sometimes you forget.

Another reason why this space is rare is the action of government, who coopt meanings, figures and narratives with a clumsy kind of arrogance and capital.


Shak said...

I thought buses always came three in a row?

Unknown said...

I saw you at the one: what was the other one?

ws, Y

fug said...

1001 inventions conference at the.

Specifically some of the adventures of dr rim astrophysics turkmani through the royal societies early operations.


and george saliba 'marking' mathematical carry through errors of copperknickers.