These locations will be ripe for wise urban developments, featuring housing, education, health and work facilities for Rohingyas and the needy of Bangladesh. Plenty will be willing to put up the money, this will eventually pay for itself and set the tone for Bangladesh's Refugeecity, come river erosion, come climate change, come cyclones. Set the tone to Proactive Love.
Other OIC nations will come forward with their own Refugeecity concepts, and the best of our natures will be honed to delivering them, because Allahu Raziq and Malthus was basically a git.
A generation or so in Diaspora, with wider redoubled efforts to learn and combat Buddhist Islamophobias in Asia, may the Rohingya survive, and thrive and be in better conditions to organise and decide what to do about their former homes.
As the rain and winds beat down and kill them in the Bangladesh camps, we reflect on the culpability of our elites, thought bleeders and mental frames, which have put them in harms way. Nationalist excuses.
An easy reflection from thousands of miles away.
Angels of the Night of Powerful Enlightenment, hear our prayer.