
Let's try Branding Big Brother and George Osborne

Big Brother is due to return in a few weeks. 

Looking back past Andrew Tate, himself Big Brother Graduate in Narcissistic Villainy, I recall Big Brother as one of the most obnoxious things of its time. That Big Mouth after show and Russel Brand compounded its obnoxiousness to levels that would disappoint most if not all ancestors and teachers of people who walk the earth today. Many made careers and treasure from its shameless amplification of shaytanic whispers, a celebration the very worst of humanity, flipping a critique of surveillance culture 270 degrees, with a corporate festival of lechery, gossip and the reduction of the human to a dull throbbing base. All watched over by machines of graceless consent.  What could go wrong? 

It was very much a product of Blairtime Britain, Drool Britannia, Britannia waves the Rules. The show and entertainment industry gave Russel Brand, a desperately needy person who from a young age demonstrated just how low he he would go for attention and 'fame', a powerful set of relationships and skills with which he could do as he chose. 

As we are being made aware, everywhere. Russel Brand is in the process of having his historic, sexual impunity protection services withdrawn. A combination of formerly consenting sexual partners|rape victims have had the courage|been encouraged to speak up together. Established investigative journalists have followed through|been resourced to research, refine and curate arguments against him in print and broadcast media. 

Commentary on this media event range from empathy and reflection on the enduring harms of rape, and the difficulties stopping it to the predicament of the perpetrator. I wouldn't spend too much energy defending him, beyond say right to fair trial and treatment. that is energy that can be put to greater justice learning.  It is not a problem that he hasn't brought upon himself and a decent man would take responsibility. He doesn't face the same unjust and torturous fate awaiting Julian Assange, and his contributions to geopolitical justice, past and potential, are not so significant that I can see. As far as postBlair Britain is capable, those who really knew and developed this despicable cultural situation, and these kinds of abuse to human dignity should be brought to a special kind of justice. Especially now that the Big Brother franchise is about to be relaunched.

During and after the (first?!) COVID years, as mistrust and frustration at the morality and substance of political, medical and corporate authorities has grown, he has been deeply in the fray, with a youtube channel that has annoyed, entertained and (mis)educated, and till now evaded the hegemonic power of techno liberal jobsworths at the company. Maybe there is some simple envy operating too, but the  ..erm.. ageist optical  and critical lefts seem to lose there sh!t when anyone tries to contest and short circuit their left and alt right audiences online. 

There are plentimaw able truth seekers out there, there will be plentimaw men who fall through their penises and they will have plentimaw victims, and hypocrites too.

Not unrelatedly in allegation of sexual abuse, over the summer, the former British Chancellor George Osborne, aka, the austerity killer was remarried. Current British Museum Director George Osborne's decisions are argued, with data, to have caused the premature deaths of more people than COVID did directly in Britain, perhaps twice as many. If we factor in the excess deaths and human suffering of COVID following and due to austerity, it is a mighty arsehole footprint. On the eve of the occasion somebody who didn't like him very much distributed a disturbing email to his guests. It became widely available if you knew where to look for it. Nobody wrote very much about it, but a spontaneous protest against the couple at the.... church.... was turned into a media spectacle about Just Stop Oil, the climate justice campaign group. JSO did what they could to make what looked like a dead cat strategy work in their favour, but given the identities of the wedding guests, a wide section of the political and media elite, we are entitled to wonder.

What is allowed in to the court of public opinion in the first place.