
non-heroism in the eye of this beholder

No, I am not proud and grateful for what UK soldiers have done to Iraq. I would like to express my annoyance that their operations have been such a hazard inducing influence (mainly) on the Iraqis and (slightly) on the UK. It is not as if they did not have a choice, or that the information wasnt available to them. They were wrong, and so were the bankers, so no kudos for them. No crocodile kudos either.

Perhaps the UK Govt should only have defensive armed capability. Turning countries upside down shouldn't be rewarded. I do not believe my government responsible enough to wield such weapons of national disintegration. Besides, think of all the afforestation programmes the troops could be involved with. They could take guerillla gardening to new levels.

I wonder how if I could fit all these words on a banner.

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