
The Daily Star plays climate porn with 25 metre prediction

Not again!?!?!?

Check out the picture with the subtitle "Increasing river erosion is a visible impact of climate change in Bangladesh". And the pumped claim of the scientific superiority of James Hansen's 25 metre sea rise by 2100 calculation. Sad thing is that this resembles the clueless posture of the bogstandard salafi... 'it is the ijma(concensus) of the scholars'. BS!! you dont know that, you just read that somewhere... threw in some arabic words (scientific information) and expect us to beleive you. you underqualified wannabe brahmins!

People who are serious about Adaptation would to well to avoid those milking the climate cow in this manner. Bangladesh has a disgraceful reputation for milking buzzword cows and avoiding core issues. Crying wolf is a detestable habit, except for the current crop of deshi ngo social engineers. They are habituated to it and nobody calls them out.


because there is no social support and inadequate financial support for systematic study of the country's problems. In the vacuum, 'good', superficial and marginal work will go on... reliant on the goodwill and political expedience of the international community.

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